
Two Friends and the Big Fat Bear Story

Once upon a time there lived two friends in a village. There was a big forest situated end of this village. Once two friends wanted to go to the other side of the forest. They had to cross a forest to reach the spot. They knew about the dangers and promised to face everything together.

They started crossing the forest. After some time, they saw a big fat bear coming towards them. One of the friends quickly climbed a nearby tree. But, the other one didn’t know how to climb.

Owing to some quick thinking, he lays down on the ground and holds his breath. The bear reaches him and sniffs him in the ear. Thinking the man is dead, the bear leaves the place.

The other friend now climbs down the tree and asks his friend what the bear said to him. The friend replied, “He cautioned me to be safe from fake friends.”

Moral: Learn to identify true friends from fake friends.


  1. It is really good.Thank you for help us

  2. There are very good stories. thanks. https://www.shortstoriesforkids.net/moral-stories/elephant-and-friends/
