
The Clever Fox and The Talking Cave Story

talking cave and the fox
Once upon a time, there lived an old lion in a forest. Due to his health it was unable to kill any prey for his food. So, he said to himself, I must do something to stay my stomach else I will die soon. He kept thinking and at last an idea came to his mind. He decided to lie down in the cave pretending to be ill and then whosoever will come to inquire about his health, will become his prey. The old lion put his wicked plan into practice and it started working. Many of his well-wishers got killed. But it was the time for a fox. 

One day, the fox came to visit the ailing lion. As foxes are clever by nature, the fox stood at the mouth of the cave and looked about. He saw some bones are laying outside the cave. So, he called out to the lion from outside and said, Oh my dear majesty how are you and how do you feel now?

The lion replied, “I am not feeling well at all. But why don’t you come inside and see me for a moment?” Then the fox replied, I would love to come in, my majesty! But on seeing, all footprints going to your cave and none coming out, I would be foolish enough to come in. Saying so, the fox went to alert the other animals. In this way he saved his life and also other animals from that forest too.

Moral: Always keep your eyes open and stay alert before walking in any situation.


Two friends and the bear story for kids

Once upon a time there lived two friends in a small village. One day morning they both were walking through the forest. They knew that anything dangerous can happen to them at any time in the forest. So they promised each other that they would remain united in any case of danger.

Suddenly, they found a large bear walking through them. One of the friends at once climbed a nearby tree. But the other one did not know how to climb. So being led by his common sense, he lay down on the ground breathless, pretending to be a dead person.

The bear came near the man lying on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch the dead creatures.Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.”

Moral: True Friend is the one who always supports and stands by you in any kind of danger situation.


Brahmin and The Cobra Stories for Kids

Once upon a time, there lived a poor Brahmin in a small village. He used to work hard in the fields, but could not get the result out of it. One day, after the tiring working hours, he laid down in the shade of the tree. He saw a snake coming towards him. He went to bring some milk and offered the milk to the serpent. The snake was very happy and it gave a gold coin to the Brahmin. This became a regular feature of Brahmin’s life. Daily he served milk to the snake and get a gold coin.

One day Brahmin got fever and he asked his son to take care of the serpent. The son brought the milk to the spot and offered it to the serpent. Next day, when he came back found a gold coin in the bowl. After taking the gold coin, he thought, “This place must be full of gold coins. I would kill the snake and take them all”. Brahmin’s son decided to kill and next day came to the field with the milk and a stick. He offered the milk to the snake and struck its hood with the stick. The snake escaped the blow of the stick and bit the boy.

Some days later, the Brahmin returned to his village and came to know about the death of his son. He came across the whole incident and again went to the field to serve the milk to the serpent. He praised the snake in a loud voice and kept the milk near the tree and said please forgive me. The snake came out of no where and gave lot of coins to the Brahmin and said never come me again. You gave me milk but I bit your son because he stuck me with a stick. I am sorry. Stay healthy and be happy with these coins. Saying this snake disappeared from the place.

Moral: Excess of greed is harmful.